Barter apartment to apartment
Fees for notarization is free if the value of one of the apartments more than 500 000.00 UAH.
Additionally, the parties pay:
1. 1% of the contract (most of the price) - notary fees (equal to the amount of the state duty);
2. 100 UAH - charges extract from the register of liens on personal property tax lien;
3. 150 UAH - each application of consent spouses and parents.
At your service at the notary's office is a separate room for the calculations, which is equipped with three detectors (UV, magnetic, infrared - for UAH, USD, Euro), and the machine to re-count the money.
Optionally, notary can be made interpretation (for free) or translated the treaty into Russian (cost - 300 UAH). If there is a need for translation (oral or written) in a foreign language - invited translator. Cost of services agreed in that each case individually.
Due to the fact that since January 1, 2013 notary acts as a registrar in the State register of real rights to immovable property, the additional services are paid for registration in the State register of real rights to immovable property. The charges ohovoryuyetsya extra.
Required documents:
Passport parties (up to 16 years birth certificate), copy of the identification code of the parties, title documents, market valuations of real estate information on structure of inhabitants (f. number 3), as appropriate: the consent of the donor spouse, the signature which notarized or the presence of spouses when signing a contract with a passport, ID and marriage certificate.
Price: on request
Other servies in category Agreements exclusion